Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the comments. Please respond to this post in the comments, but if you have a question for the community email it to Heather.
The following question is from Colleen L.
“I pulled my 2nd-grade son out of school in October. He is adjusting well, and things are going better than I thought. Things have gone so well that I am really considering pulling my 8th-grade daughter out of public school too.
There are several reasons for this decision; such as social, educational, bullying/environmental, and religious reasons. I have been using “Character First” and “Kids of Integrity” with my 2nd-grader and realized how much my 8th-grader is in need of this too. Currently, she has an Individual Education Plan and is below 8th-grade level in every subject. Academically, I believe I can do as well as the school, if not better. I can certainly do better in other areas that I consider important for leading a productive, happy life. However, she is very reluctant to leave school because finally this year she has made a friend or two (that is her response, not my thoughts).”